Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, October 27, 2023
Prayer to Joan of Arc, Jeanne d'Arc
Visit of Saint Joan of Arc on October 25, 2023 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

For weeks I have been asking Heaven for a prayer to Saint Joan of Arc.
Today, Saint Joan is visiting me. She wears shining armor and gives us the following prayer:
Praise, honor and glory be to the Most Holy Trinity for ever and ever!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Saint Joan of Arc, Jeanne d'Arc, Thou contender for God in Thy life, our suppliant before the throne of God, do us the honor of asking God, the Eternal Father, for the protection of Thine and our Holy Roman Catholic Church. May God, the Eternal Father accept our petitions through the shed Precious Blood of His Son Jesus Christ on the Cross and have mercy on us!
May the Lord have mercy on our lands and keep disaster away from them!
We ask the Lord to look upon our lands with a benevolent eye, and we ask for the friendship of His messenger, the Holy Archangel Michael, all the angels and saints.
Dear Saint Joan of Arc, you champion of God's love, open the hearts of people to God's love and His plan of salvation. Once you fought for the Word of God in France. We know that your love was for France in your life. But now you want to save souls from all countries of the earth for the Lord, so that they may carry their heavenly homeland, our Lord, in their hearts and win heaven for eternity. With Jesus Christ, our Lord, with Mary, Mother of God, and St. Michael the Archangel, you enter this time of tribulation to awaken the hearts of all people to God's love, from a deep sleep of godlessness into which humanity has fallen. Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us, our families, priests and religious, for our Holy Church, which you loved and love so much. You gave up everything for God and forgave everyone. With Your great Holy Love, inflame our hearts for God!
This message is announced without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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